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Local Benchmark Assessments

Ramona Unified School District has several local benchmark assessments in place

NWEA MAP Tests - Students in Elementary School take the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Test two to three times a year. The test is nationally normed to provide educators, students, and families with an idea of a student’s progression of learning.

Here are some resources to help you understand the assessment and your student’s progress toward meeting the grade level expectations for learning:

MDTP - The MDTP Assessment is a diagnostic test given to secondary students in grades 6 through 12. This assessment measures a students current math skills to the necessary prerequisite skills to be successful in the next level of math. The purpose of this assessment is to help math educators identify students’ strengths to help them improve upon their areas in need of more development. 
Here are some resources to help families understand the MDTP assessment:
DIBELSDIBELS 8th Edition, or Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills is a district-wide diagnostic assessment that is given to our elementary scholars. This diagnostic assessment came out of the research of the University of Oregon, and provides educators with a tool to measure a student’s growth and development of basic and necessary foundational reading skills. DIBELS also provides a way to monitor a student’s progress toward meeting benchmark skill levels in phonics, phonemic awareness, decoding, and letter name/sound connections. 

Here is a resource to help educators and families understand the scores.

Writing Benchmarks - The California Content Standards calls out for three main types of writing for students to learn: Narrative, Informational/Expository, and Opinion/Argumentative. Our district requires all scholars to demonstrate their writing skills using district writing benchmarks. Because we adopted a new English Language Arts program this school year, we are trying all of the new writing assessments and will define new benchmark writing expectations for the 2019-2020 school year.
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