2023 Ellevation Scholarship Application is Now Open!

Spread the word - Ellevation’sannual scholarship funddedicated to Multilingual Learners is live for 2023!

This year, they’re awarding ten $2,000 grants for students pursuing higher education. All High School seniors who have ever been identified as language learners are encouraged to apply by March 2, 2023. Click here for a direct link to the scholarship application.


7 months ago

Students in kindergarten through grade twelve whose home language is not English or American Sign Language are required by law to be assessed in English language proficiency (ELP) upon entry into California schools. In California, the ELP assessment is the ELPAC, or English Language Proficiency Assessment for California.

The Initial ELPAC allows schools to identify students who should be considered an English Language Learner in order to provide support for English Language Development (ELD). Schools also give a Summative ELPAC test each year to students who are still learning English.

Frequently Asked Questions:

For answers to “What is the purpose of the ELPAC?” and “Who must take the ELPAC?” and other frequently asked questions, please visit the ELPAC FAQ Web page.

Released Test Questions

ELPAC sample questions (i.e., released test questions)


Title III

7 months ago

Part A of Title III is officially known as the English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement Act.  The Act states that Limited English Proficient (LEP) students must not only attain English proficiency but simultaneously meet the same academic standards as their English-speaking peers in all content areas. Federal funding is provided to assist State Education Agencies (SEAs) and Local Education Agencies (LEAs) in meeting these requirements.

While the main purpose of Title III regulations and funding are to ensure language proficiency and on grade-level academic performance of LEP students, there are also regulations regarding parent communication. Any LEA that receives Title III funding is obligated to inform families and communities of LEP and immigrant children about their ESL programming and how they can assist in their child’s progress.  In addition, all schools (whether or not they receive Title III funding) are required to provide appropriate communication with all parents and guardians regardless of their native language and the percentage of non-English parents are a part of the school community.

Title I funds are not used for Title III language instruction in RUSD.

English Language Development Plan

Ramona Unified School District values our English Learner students. A plan for developing English language proficiency can be found by clicking here

Summative ELPAC Letter to Parents

7 months ago

Identifying students who need help learning English is important so they can get the support they need to do well in English language arts/literacy, mathematics, science, and other subject areas in school. The Summative English Language Proficiency Assessments for California, or “Summative ELPAC,” is the test used to measure how well students understand English when it is not the language they speak at home.
You can access the parent/guardian letter regarding Summative ELPAC Testing below: