Welcome to Pupil Services

Phone Number: 760-787-2041

Fax: 760-788-5389

Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:30 am-12:00 pm and 1:00 pm-4:00 pm

Audrey Beyer - Director of Students With Disabilities Support Services Email: abeyer@ramonausd.net Phone: 760-787-2041

Alicia Bradshaw - Department Secretary

Candace Jarman - Program Specialist

Alissa Sculthorpe - Program Specialist

Julie McIntyre - Program Specialist

Special Education

a month ago

North Inland Special Education Region (NISER)/(SELPA)

Ramona Unified School District is part of the North Inland Special Education Region. For more information, you can visit the NISER website by clicking here

El Distrito Escolar Unificado de Ramona es parte de la Región de Educación Especial de North Inland. Para obtener más información, puede visitar el sitio web de NISER haciendo clic aquí.

Procedural Safeguards
You can access the Procedural Safeguards by clicking here
Puede acceder a las Garantías Procesales haciendo clic aquí.

Health Services

a month ago

District Nurse, Lee Vowinkel

Phone: 760-787-2435
Fax: 760-787-2490
Email: lvowinkel@ramonausd.net

Kindergarten Registration Health Documents

When registering your child for Kindergarten, you will need to provide the following completed forms at your registration appointment:

  • School Entry Health Check-ups form in English and Spanish: This form is to be used to document the health exam and to be returned to the child's school

  • Oral Health Assessment form in English and Spanish: This form is to be used to document the oral health assessment and to be returned to the child's school 

Shots for School
For more information on what shots your student needs for school, click here.

Mental Health Services
Click below to access the information for the Ramona Unified School District's Behavioral Health Services. 

Access to Behavioral Health Services
Behavioral Health Services

Homeless Education/Services

a month ago

McKinney-Vento Online Tool Kit

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act Ensures that homeless children and youth have equal access to the same free, appropriate educational programs as other children and youth. Law mandates the elimination of educational barriers facing homeless children and youth, to increase school stability and protect students from discrimination. Under this legislation, homeless children and youth are entitled to have access to the same educational experience and resources as all students. To access the McKinney-Vento Online Tool Kit, click here. 


Check back soon for Homeless Education Services resources.

Foster Youth Education

a month ago

Laws Relating to the Education of Students

Ramona Unified School District provides a variety of education-related services to foster youth. In accordance with Assembly Bill 490, RUSD makes certain that foster youth living in group homes or foster homes immediately enroll in school and are in appropriate education placement and receiving needed services. RUSD is responsible for the tracking and transferring of school records upon enrollment, adhering to the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) guidelines, reviewing AB 216 eligibility, and connecting students to school and community-based services. The goal of RUSD is to support the positive academic and social-emotional outcomes of every one of our foster youth. 

California Foster Care Education Law Fact Sheets

Under the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), the term foster youth includes any child who is the subject of a juvenile dependency court petition (Cal. Welf. & Inst. Code §300), whether or not the child has been removed from his or her home. Any child who is the subject of a juvenile delinquency court petition (Cal. Welf. & Inst. Code §602) and who has been removed from his or her home by the court and placed into foster care under a "suitable placement" order. This includes youth who have been placed in a foster home, relative's home, or group home. It does not include youth who have been placed in a juvenile detention facility, such as a juvenile hall or camp. For the California Foster Care Education Law Fact Sheet, click here
