2025-2026 Board Meeting Dates & Agendas
Regular Board Meetings are held at the Ramona Unified School District office in the boardroom located at 720 Ninth Street, Ramona, CA 92065 and also streamed live on YouTube. The link is provided on the District's website on the day of the Board Meeting.
All regularly scheduled meetings will begin at 7:00 PM unless stated otherwise.
Requests to be Heard: RUSD welcomes your participation at the District's School Board Meetings. If you would like to address the Board directly, you may do so by filling out a Request to Be Heard card available at the Board Meeting. You may also submit an electronic comment to the Board for review. Electronic comments are printed and distributed to Board Members and are not read aloud at the meeting.
Written materials relating to Board Agenda items that are distributed to the Governing Board within 72 hours before it is to consider the item at its regularly scheduled meeting are available for public inspection at 720 Ninth Street, Ramona, CA 92065 during normal business hours.
For questions about Board Meetings, Agendas/Minutes, or Board Policies please contact:
Corina McMillen
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
760-787-2007 / cmcmillen@ramonausd.net