Do I have to register online?
Yes, all registration is done online.
What if I do not have access to a computer at home? Where can I go register?
You may register at the local public library, your work place or anywhere that has computers with Internet access, including our District Registration Support office. Please call ahead to schedule an appointment. If you are having trouble with the registration process, contact District Registration Support (760-787-2030 OR
Will I need to see the registrar before school starts?
NEW online registrations for grades TK-8th are reviewed and finalized by District Registration Support (760-787-2030 OR All NEW online registrations for grades 9-12 are reviewed and finalized by the registrar at Ramona High School. If ALL required documents were uploaded during online registration, there is no need for an appointment. If ANY required document was not uploaded during the initial online registration you can log back into your enrollment submission to add additional document uploads or email them to District Registration Support. Appointments are only necessary if documents cannot be submitted electronically. [This does not apply to matriculating students.]
How long will it take to complete the online portion of the registration?
Typically NEW online registration will take approximately 30-45 minutes per child. Back-to-School Registration for promoting students will take approximately 10 minutes per child and is done through your existing PowerSchool Parent Account. (Back-to-School Registration opens annually on July 15th. Do not create a NEW student registration for a promoting student; erroneous registrations will be deleted from the system.) If you need to step away, the registration system will save your session and you can resume later by logging back in. Please make every effort to upload required new student registration documents in PDF format during online registration; records cannot be processed without them.
Do I have to answer every question?
Questions marked with a red asterisk (*) are required.
I have a returning student and when I click on "Back-to-School Registration" in my Parent Account it asks for a "SnapCode". Can I register under New Student Registration?
No, if your child is a returning student you must complete the Back-to-School Registration forms through your PowerSchool Parent Account to update your existing registration. Registering under New Student Registration will put your child in PowerSchool twice and does not update existing registrations. Clear your internet browser cache and try again. If you are having trouble with the registration process, contact District Registration Support (760-787-2030 OR
I have a returning student and when I click on "Back-to-School
Registration" in my Parent Account it asks for a "SnapCode".
If your student meets the criteria of a returning student and you received the SnapCode page, then your browser has held onto an old page from past registrations. Clearing your internet browser cache will release this and allow you to move forward. If your student is brand new (pre-registered with us in the Spring), then your student is too new to be a part of this back-to-school process. If
you are having trouble with the registration process, contact District
Registration Support (760-787-2030 OR
What if some of the pre-populated information was wrong when I logged in to PowerSchool Online Registration?Correct whatever information is allowed to be changed. Note that some information cannot be changed online using PowerSchool Online Enrollment and will need to be changed in person at the school during open office hours. Bring in your legal documentation to support name and other legal changes.
I’ve moved over the summer and my child will be going to a different RUSD school.
First, call the front office of both schools and let them know you've moved. Office staff will be able to direct you in the next proof of residency steps. Once the school transfer process has been completed with the school(s), alert them to change the "enrolled school" in the Back-to-School registration form so you can complete your online Back-to-School forms for the correct school. Please note that once you open the registration form, the enrolled school cannot be changed until you've completed the online process.
If none of my child’s information changed, do I still need to do the Back-to-School process?
Yes. In addition to the Emergency Contact and Health Information needed, there are several annual agreements regarding your child’s health and safety, technology access and participation in instructional programs. There are also household military status, housing status and annual income questions that are required by the Department of Education to be collected annually.
What if I make a mistake?
If you would like to make a change – prior to submitting the form – you can either navigate back to the page using the “<Prev” and “Next>” buttons. Or, if you are on the Review page, click on the underlined field. Additionally, you can log back into your new student submission to make any corrections PRIOR to the final enrollment of student. Once the record has been enrolled in school, then you will need to contact your student’s school so staff members can make the changes for you.
I’ve completed the form. Now what?
Once you have finished entering your information, click “Submit”. This will send all of the information you’ve entered to the school. If you cannot click on this button, you will need to make sure that you have answered all required questions.
What if I have more than one student in the district? Do I have to do this for each child?
Yes, because you’ll need to provide information that is specific for each child. When you complete the Back-to-School Registration process for one student, navigate back to your Parent Account, select your next student, and launch the Back-to-School Registration process again. In order for your student to be registered in classes, these Back-to-School forms must be completed for each student.
I have an existing Parent Portal account. How do I register a new Kindergarten student?
The new student registration account is separate/different from your PowerSchool Parent Account. Follow the posted instructions for registering a NEW student. Once your new student has completed the entire registration process and has a school enrollment record, your new student can be tied to your existing PowerSchool Parent Account. Contact your student's school site to complete this task.
I'm logged into my PowerSchool Parent Account and cannot find an area to register a new student. How do I register a new student from my PowerSchool Parent Account?
You don't. PowerSchool Parent Accounts are connected to actively enrolled students only. Follow the posted instructions for registering a NEW student.
I just registered my NEW Kindergarten student through the NEW Student portal. Do I have to re-register my existing student(s) here too?
No. Returning RUSD students go through a Back-to-School Registration process; not a full new student registration. Access your existing student(s) through your PowerSchool Parent Account to complete Back-to-School forms.
I currently have a student registered in the PK program that will be going into Kindergarten. Do I need to complete a new student registration?
Yes. We must have a NEW student registration completed for a student's initial entry into K-12. PK registrations do not qualify.
My returning student is entering Middle/High School. Do I have to re-register him/her?
Did your student promote from one of RUSD's elementary or middle schools? All promoting RUSD students, no matter the grade level, are handled through the Back-to-School registration process via your PowerSchool Parent Account. Student data records promote with them to the next school site. This Back-to-School Registration process opens annually on July 15th and is accessible through your PowerSchool Parent Account. Do not create a NEW student registration for a promoting/matriculating student; erroneous registrations will be deleted from the system.
I want to register for one of the schools on the Ramona Community Campus (Mountain Valley Academy or Ramona Community Montessori School). Do I enroll online?
Ramona Community Campus schools of choice requires a two-step application process. Online enrollment is step two. Step one begins with a paper application (available online from the school's website) and conference with a teacher or the principal to assure that independent study (MVA TK-12) or Montessori (RCMS TK-6) is a good match for a particular student. MVA and RCMS also have limited enrollment as both schools draw from the entire Ramona Community, not just a particular boundary area. The RCC school campus is located at 1010 Ramona Street, and the phone number is760-787-3600. Office hours are 7:30am - 4:00pm daily. The staff of RCC welcomes the chance to discuss if one of their schools is best for your student!
I want to register at Future Bound Independent Study. Do I enroll online?
As a school of choice, the enrollment process for Future Bound Independent Study differs from other RUSD school sites. We ask that, before using this online enrollment tool families conference with the Principal to assure that Future Bound Independent Study is a good match for the student. Future Bound has limited enrollment space. The school site is located at 720 9th Street, Room #8 on the Montecito High School campus. Please call Future Bound at 760-787-2068 during open office hours to proceed.
I’m not sure how to answer a question. I don’t know what the question is asking.
Don’t hesitate to call your school during open office hours if you have a question about a specific item.
I've logged into my Parent Account, but when I try to launch the "Back-to-School Registration" the system spins and doesn't get past authentication.
Chances are you have a special character (& # % ^ ` Tést [ ] { } ; " ' < > / | \) in your username that is causing havoc in the authentication process. You can adjust your username and password for your PowerSchool Parent Account within your Parent account. If you are unsuccessful resolving your username on your own, contact your school site to adjust your Parent Account username.
I'm having trouble using the online registration system. Who should I contact for help?
If you require technical support when registering a student, please visit our PowerSchool Community at The Chat Support feature offers 24/7 support for technical issues you may be experiencing. Additionally, Chat Support is available in Spanish from 7am-5pm EST. Although Chat Support is the preferred method of support from
PowerSchool, users can call 866-434-6276 for registration technical
support. PowerSchool Support is for technical questions only; they will not be able to give you your snapcode or answer any school specific registration questions. Contact district registration support at or 760-787-2030 for non-technical registration questions.
Is this system secure?
Yes, PowerSchool Enrollment and the PowerSchool Parent Account utilizes SSL encryption to protect all data that is processed through the system.
Data Privacy
PowerSchool Enrollment's privacy policy can be referenced here.
When is the first day of school?
The first day of school for the 2024-2025 school year is Monday, August 19, 2024.
Where can I get information concerning my child’s school?
Call your child’s school concerning any questions you may have concerning registration, teacher, hours, etc. You may also visit their webpage for more school site information.
Who do I contact for questions about school of residency, Inter-district Transfers, or Intra-district (school-to-school) Transfers?
District Registration support handles questions related to school of residency and also provides applications for both Inter- & Intra-district transfers. When registering for elementary school online, your school of residency must be selected and all School-to-School transfers must be approved by the Business Services office. Reference the Address Guide to look up your specific address. If you still have questions after checking the online address guide, contact District Registration Support at 760-787-2030 or to verify home school and/or for information and paperwork.
How can I apply for Free/Reduced Lunch?
California's "Universal Meal" program supplements the federal school meal program allowing ALL students to eat for free. To maintain the federal funding of these meals, please complete the online annual income survey. Any questions concerning free/reduced lunch please contact Jonas Rooth or Julie Acosta at 760-787-2048. Check out the Food & Nutrition Services section of this district website for more information.