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Reopening Planning Materials

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CDC Guidance on Schools and Childcare Programs

CDPH Guidance for Schools and School-Based Programs

CDPH COVID-19 and Reopening In-Person Learning Framework for K-12 Schools

CDE Guidance on Reopening Schools

Reopening Checklists

Utilizing guidance from the above organizations, RUSD has developed a checklist for each school site designed to assist staff in identifying important trigger points, milestones, and actions related to reopening. These documents were designed to help schools create worksite-specific COVID-19 prevention plans that comply with the requirements outlined in the California Department of Public Health's (CDPH) revised industry guidance (July 17,2020).

COVID-19 Prevention Plan for Schools Checklist

Each of our school site's prevention checklists were designed using the same organizational format as the COVID-19 industry guidance for schools, and is intended to provide schools with a means of evaluating the COVID-19 prevention plans to ensure they meet all elements described in CDPH.

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